Dreading Slam Poetry Group | Richard Stephenson

Guest Name: Richard Stephenson

Guest Bio: Richard Stephenson is a chartered engineer who moved to Reading for work  almost 30 years ago. He is now leader of the Dreading Slam poetry group and an integral part of Reading’s creative community.

 Dreading Slam social links:

Join Richard at the Dreading Slam ‘Grand Slam’ final:

Sunday 5th January 2025 

See more details and book your place

Listen to the episode

Episode time codes

00:25 Welcome

01:05 What Richard likes about Reading

01:51 Richard’s background

02:28 More on the Dreading Slam poetry group

03:46 The benefits of a group structure

04:45 The challenges in leading the group & what has worked

09:01 What has worked for Richard on social media

11:02 Rising Sun Arts centre festival (Here Comes the Sun)

12:50 Why it’s important to publicise a local group

13:19 Richard’s poetry reading (published in Reading Today)

15:30 Background of the poem

16:36 Why is poetry important

18:34 How communication has changed

19:54 How you can get started in poetry

21:09 One key takeaway

Key takeaways

1. Find a group to help develop your hobby

2. If you’re leading a group you need to keep socials up to date

3. If you are new or have a small following, try and partner with a relevant venue

Episode references

Rising Sun Arts Centre website: https://www.risingsunartscentre.org/

Rising Sun Arts Centre Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/53573862674

Here comes the Sun Festival 2024 (Saturday 10th August 14:00-23:00): https://risingsunartscentre.org/hcts24

Poetry meetings in Reading

Dreading Slam: meets on the first Sunday of every month in the Rising Sun Arts Centre on Silver Street, RG1 2ST

Poetry in the Park: Meets on a Saturday in the middle of the month

Tutus Ethiopian restaurant: a monthly music and open mic night

You can see the meeting dates and times, as well as confirm your attendance for the above events on Meetup:


Arvon: https://www.arvon.org/

Arvon is a charity that runs creative writing courses, events and retreats both in-person and online. Our courses are tutored by leading authors and include a powerful mix of workshops and individual tutorials, with time and space to write, free from distractions of everyday life. Grants and concessions are available to help with course fees.